ERC wins Spanish Parliament election for the first time in Catalonia
EFA party has increased its number of seats to a record 15 in the Spanish Parliament, bringing EFA member Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Republican Left of Catalonia) to a historic victory: with six more seats than in last general election in 2016, it is the first time that ERC has come first in a state election in Catalonia.
With these figures, ERC could hold the key in the formation of a new government in the Spanish State led by the socialist party. The Vice President of the Catalan government and ERC MP Pere Aragonés has stated that an “opened dialogue and negotiation for a political solution to a political conflict” is needed and that “the only political solution is to vote in a referendum on self-determination in Catalonia.”
Like ERC, EH Bildu -the coalition in which EFA member Eusko Alkartasuna is included- has also obtained very positive results in this Spanish Election in the Basque Country. With more than 200.000 votes, EH Bildu gets double its parliamentary representation in Madrid, a total of 4 seats now.
As for Compromís -formed by EFA member Bloc and other parties-, the coalition will also hold the key in the formation of a majority government in the Valencian regional parliament. EFA wants to show its support to all its member parties for their hard work in these elections and to congratulate the good results obtained by these parties.