SAVE THE DATE: EFA Congress on 13-14 October in Strasbourg
The European Free Alliance will celebrate the first Congress in its history, where all member parties will be invited to decide EFA’s tandem of Spitzenkandidaten and the manifesto for the 2024 European elections
The European elections are approaching. From 6 to 9 June 2024, European citizens will cast their ballots to decide the configuration of the new European Parliament. With the goal of deciding the party’s strategy, message, and candidates, the European Free Alliance members are meeting on 13 and 14 October in the EFA Congress. It will be the first time in history that the European Political Party for self-determination holds an event of this type. It will take place in the IRCAD building, in Strasbourg, hosted by Unser Land, EFA’s member party from Alsace.
The Congress will be divided into two main parts. On the first day, 13 October, the party will hold an internal meeting with its member parties. The 41 parties from 19 European states that are part of EFA will meet to discuss the main content of the 2024 campaign and the manifesto with which the party will run for the next European elections 2024. This manifesto will include the main values, proposals, and policies that EFA will be working for during the next term (2024-2029) in the European Parliament. The delegates of the parties will also vote for EFA’s tandem of Spitzenkandidaten that will represent the party during the campaign.
Public event: 14 October
On the second day, 14 October, the programme will include a public event, open to a wider audience and to the press. EFA will share the outcomes of the previous day. The tandem of Spitzenkandidaten will be publicly presented and they will deliver their first speech as EFA’s leading candidates. The Bureau of the party decided last April to stand for the next elections with two candidates of two different genders to promote gender equality in the European institutions. They will be the ones responsible for spreading EFA’s message throughout Europe during the campaign.
It is the first time that EFA will present a tandem of Spitzenkandidaten who will be able to participate in the European elections campaign. In 2019 EFA’s lead candidate was Oriol Junqueras, who was at that time imprisoned for defending democracy in Catalonia and organizing the referendum that let Catalans vote for their future in 2017.
Save the date! You are all invited to join us in Strasbourg!
PRESS: If you are a journalist or a media willing to attend EFA Congress 2023, please register HERE. Any press inquiries can be sent to