‘Idiotic Westminster chaos of Brexit’
Press Release from EFA Member of the European Parliament Ian Hudghton (Scottish National Party – SNP)
The SNP’s leader in the European Parliament, Ian Hudghton MEP, has called out the ‘idiotic Westminster chaos of Brexit’.
As the European Parliament debated recent developments in Brexit this afternoon, Mr Hudghton reminded MEPs that Scotland had voted to remain in the EU.
He argued that the case for Scottish independence in Europe was now stronger than ever.
Speaking in the European Parliament, Ian Hudghton MEP said:
“A little over twenty years ago in this hemicycle I made my first speech as a member of the SNP, Scotland’s party of independence.
“I came here hoping that I would play a part in Scotland’s transition to normality as an independent country. That was not to be, and look where we are now. I could never have imagined twenty years ago that we’d be trapped in this idiotic Westminster chaos of Brexit.
“Voters in Scotland voted to remain – every single local authority area in Scotland voted to remain – and yet Westminster continues to ignore Scotland’s interests in this process. To date we have seen the London government and parliament failing to reach a settlement amongst themselves, let alone an international one.
“Scotland can and must do better. I think our recent experience has amply illustrated the argument for independence for Scotland, so that we as a normal country can make our own arrangements with our neighbours and with the rest of the world.”
This press release has been previously published on the website of the EFA Group in the European Parliament.