The proposal for a Clarity Mechanism on self-determination is one of the most successful in the #CoFoE platform
The Conference for the Future of Europe plenary is meeting this Friday to discuss the citizens’ views gathered by the campaign
In just a few weeks, the proposal “the EU should develop a Democratic European Mechanism of Clarity (DEMoC) to provide legal certainty and a dialogue platform for cases of self-determination” has become one of the most successful ideas submitted to the platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe. In the Platform Report presented last week, this proposal is listed as receiving the second highest number of citizens’ endorsements in the topic “European Democracy”, with 905 endorsements as of 20 February. Even since then, it has been receiving further receiving support, and has now reached over than 1,000 endorsements. This makes it the most successful proposal on the whole platform.
The proposal has now reached over 1,000 endorsements, which makes it the most successful on the whole platform.
The European Free Alliance participated in the development of this successful proposal, promoting it hand-in-hand with citizens and other civic organisations. To see the rest of EFA’s proposals for the Conference on the Future of Europe, see this link.
However, EFA regrets that the Platform Report did not meaningfully engage with the proposal or even mention it the report summary. Instead, it is only given a passing reference in the Annex. This does not do justice to the enthusiasm expressed by citizens for the proposal. The Conference on the Future of Europe plenary is meeting this Friday and Saturday to discuss the citizens’ proposals submitted to the platform. EFA expresses its hope that the Conference delegates will take into account the citizens’ opinion during the session, and take steps to ensure a meaningful response to this record-breaking proposal.