EFA requests the European Commission to favour small and distributed green energy initiatives over macro-scale projects
A letter signed by our President, Lorena López de Lacalle, together with representatives of ERC, BNG, Eusko Alkartasuna, Andalucía por Sí, MÉS per Mallorca, and Més-Compromís, has been sent to the European Comissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson
The European Free Alliance has requested the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, to favour small and well-distributed initiatives to generate green energy over macro-scale projects. In a letter signed by our President, Lorena López de Lacalle, together with Jordi Solé (ERC), Ana Miranda, (BNG), Eba Blanco (Eusko Alkartasuna), Modesto González (Andalucía por Sí), Lluís Enric Apesteguia (MÉS per Mallorca) and Àgueda Micó (Més-Compromís), EFA warns about the impact of abusive projects that bypass planning laws.
Climate change, the increase in energy prices, and the latest events in Ukraine have proven the urgency for Europe to produce more energy from renewable sources. This stands as an opportunity to develop a more sustainable energy network. Well-distributed local projects would be the best option for turning in this direction, “as they provide the citizens and businesses with the energy they need without causing large-scale harm”, explains the letter. Nevertheless, the drive for more renewable energy also opens scope for abuse. These sustainable initiatives are cornered by excessive macro-scale projects, which are often driven by speculation by large investment funds and have a severe impact on areas of high ecological, agricultural, scenic, or social value. Some examples are found in the Spanish State, such as the wind energy plants in Galicia and photovoltaic plants in Andalucía.
For these reasons, EFA asks the European Commission about the institution’s action to study the consequences of such excessive projects. Moreover, the party has requested to know the Commission’s plans to support smaller-scale projects which are more suitable to provide energy causing less harm. Finally, the letter asks if the Commission “will introduce a proposal for common criteria to limit the size of new photovoltaic and wind projects and promote a more orderly expansion of Europe’s energy network”.