EFA General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest organ of the EFA. It decides on the political and financial policy of the organisation and establishes the political program of the party. It can always take all the necessary decisions in order to realise the objectives of the organization and its member parties.
The General Assembly shall be composed of all the full members. They alone have the right to vote. The observer members are invited to the General Assembly.
The General Assembly shall be convened by the Bureau at least once each year.
(Articles 11 to 19 of EFA’s Articles of Association, and article 7a of EFA’s Rules of Internal Order).
EFA Bureau
The EFA Bureau shall manage the business of the association and represent it in all judicial and non-judicial transactions. The Bureau is in charge of the administrative management of the organisation. It also defines the political policy and the activities of the organisation on a day to day basis, but this can only be done within the political framework decided by the General Assembly.
The Bureau shall comprise the President, then Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General. A party may not have more than one representative.
(Articles 20 to 30 of EFA’s Articles of Association, and article 7b of EFA’s Rules of Internal Order).
EFA secretariat
The EFA secretariat shall carry out the decisions of the Federation. It shall be responsible, in particular, for assisting the President, the Secretary General and the Vice-Presidents, for preparing and organising meetings and for relations with the member parties, the press and the public. The natural persons who manage the secretariat are chosen by the Bureau and for a period that the Bureau decides.
Staff Committee
A Staff Committee is appointed with the aim to advise and inform the Bureau on staff matters.
(Article 7c of EFA’s Rules of Internal Order)