EFA supports R&PS’s stance on devolution as the best approach to tackle inequalities and populism
The European Free Alliance supports the federation of autonomist and nationalist parties Régions et Peuples Solidaires (R&PS) and its stance on territorial devolution, self-governance and autonomy as the right approach to tackle the rising economic and social inequalities and in order to fight right-wing populism.
As the R&PS federation -which includes several EFA member parties like Union Démocratique Bretonne (UDB), Partitu di a Nazione Corsa (PNC), Femu a Corsica, Partit Occitan, Unser Land or Eusko Alkartasuna- the European Free Alliance defends and promotes a democratic alternative, based on a fair and sustainable development, which respects the territories and the environment.
Both at French and European level, territorial autonomy based on participatory democracy and the right to self-determination must be the answer to the big challenges of the 21st century, from growing economic and social inequalities to the climate emergency, or the worrying loss of cultural and linguistic diversity.
During the 24th edition of the R&PS summer university, held in Aiacciu/Ajaccio (Corsica) on 23-25 August and co-organized by EFA, one hundred delegates and supporters from several R&PS and EFA member parties took part in the different debates on the following topics: Corsica and its relationship with the French State, the fight against inequalities and precariousness, and the rising populism and extremism in Europe.
Relevant political figures were invited as keynote speakers, like the Breton member of the Assemblée Nationale Paul Molac, the Corsican deputies Paul-André Colombani and Jean-Felix Acquaviva, the member of the European Parliament (MEP) and national secretary of Europe Écologie Les Verts (EELV), David Cormand, MEP from R&PS François Alfonsi, the Secretary General of the Coppieters Foundation, Antonia Luciani, or the President of the Corsican government, Gilles Simeoni.
EFA President, Lorena López de Lacalle, said during her speech:
“As a European political party with 46 member parties from all over the continent, the European Free Alliance acts as a catalyst and disseminator of good practices regarding the renewed concept of territoriality.
The EFA party must disseminate good practices in the field of territorial autonomy and self-governance, since many of our member parties are working on innovative projects based on participatory democracy, with the focus on citizens welfare and sustainability.
Democracy from the bottom up and territorial autonomy will get things moving and will enable the achievement of fairer and more equal societies, in which cultural and linguistic diversity are preserved, and this is what EFA and R&PS are defending. Also, we promote inclusion and interculturality in contrast to the far rights’ exclusion”.
More info on the R&PS summer university here.