The EFA and its member parties reflect from the Basque Country about linguistic inclusion in Education
The webinar “Inclusive School and Inmersion Models in Europe” will include this Friday three round tables where experts will debate around this prominent topic for minorized languages
The European Free Alliance organizes this Friday, together with its member party Eusko Alkartasuna and Alkartasuna Fundazioa, an event about linguistic inclusion at school. The webinar, which is titled “Inclusive School and Immersive Models in Europe”, is scheduled between 17h and 19:30h, and will bring together experts from different sociolinguistic disciplines to debate this topic at three different panel discussions. The event will be include interpretation in Euskera, Spanish and English to facilitate the understanding of all the audience.
The President of EFA, Ms Lorena López de Lacalle, will welcome the assistants to the event and will give place of the first debate around “Changes and challenges in the new Basque education law”. The EHUko Education and Sports teacher, Mr Iban Asenjo, will be responsible to moderate this discussion board, that will count on the participation of Ms Eba Blanco (General Secretary of Eusko Alkartasuna and Member of the Basque Parliament), Ms Anjeles Iztueta (Former Minister of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government from 2001 to 2005) and Mr Tontxu Campos (Former Minister of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government from 2005 to 2009).
The second debate, with the participation of Mr Beñat Amenabar Perurena (Education, Philosophy and Antophology Dean in Euskal Herria University) and Mr Jon Díaz Egurbide (PhD Professor in the Department of Education Theory and History in Euskal Herria University), will be centred around “Teacher training, minority languages and inclusion”. It will reflect around the relationship between language and culture and focus on language and leisure activities purposed from the University. The moderator will be the Parliamentary and EH Bildu Secretary of Digitalization Ms Lore Martínez Axpe.
Finally, the event will end with a roundtable event titled “Good practices in European educational models about inclusion and promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity”, which will be moderated by Ms Lorena López de Lacalle, EFA’s President. It will count on the participation of Ms Anna Jungner-Nordgren (Vice-chair of the Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity Folktinget’s (Swedish Assembly in Finland), Ms Elin Mortensen (Head of Mission Faroes Government to the EU), and Mr Francesc Xavier Vila Language Policy Secretary of the Catalan Government and Sociolinguistics Professor at the University of Barcelona.
The webinar is open to everyone interested and EFA kindly encourages participation. The event will be available on Friday from 17h to 19:30h in the following link: