EFA MEP Diana Riba speaks out for Mexican activists and journalists
Diana Riba MEP intervened today in plenary to raise awareness of the alarming situation for journalists and civil society organisations. In 2022 five journalists were murdered in Mexico, and since 2018 the number has grown to over 90 activists and 50 journalists murdered.
The motion proposal led by Diana Riba MEP, amongst others, urges the Mexican government to take concrete and effective measures in order to guarantee that human rights defenders and journalists continue their activities without fear of reprisals and restrictions, as well as calling the higher authorities to refrain from issuing any communication which could stigmatise human rights defenders, journalists and media workers.
The Greens/EFA Group denounces the lack of investigations and prosecutions towards the criminals and proposes constructing a comprehensive public protection policy addressing prevention, protection, investigation, and reparation. Ms Riba i Giner took the opportunity to call out the President of Mexico for his dangerous comments criminalising journalists and civil society activists, demanding the EU the Global Agreement with Mexico places human rights as a central and enforceable element.
Diana Riba MEP said:
“In Mexico, defending the freedom of expression, the environment or human rights is a high-risk job that can cost you your life”.
“These demands must be a condition for the reform of the Global Agreement between the Union and Mexico. Because to believe in the rule of law is precisely this: to demand it within our borders, but also from our closest partners.”