Galicia National Day: BNG is the only political force with freedom to deliver real change
After a massive demonstration in Galicia’s capital city Santiago de Compostela, the national spokeswoman of EFA’s member party Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG), Ana Pontón, proclaimed the goal of Galician nationalism “is to build a modern, fair and egalitarian Galiza, a Galiza of opportunities and with a future for all its citizens”, and that it is possible from the hand of a “renewed, modern and with a firm foundation” BNG.
Despite the rain, EFA participated in the ‘Dia da Patria Galega’, Galicia’s National Day, to claim its belief that Galicia is a nation that brings to the world a country project with current, advanced proposals that meet the needs of this time.
BNG leader Ponton proposes to open a new political cycle that represents a real change, and has placed BNG as the only option able to make it possible because she does not have her hands tied by the centralism.
EFA Vice President David Grosclaude, from Partit Occitan, attended the festivity acts together with many other representatives of parties from different regions and nations of Europe and the world. As Grosclaude said, EFA wants to show its support and acknowledgement of the hard work BNG is doing to defend Galician citizens’ rights and to protect and promote the ideas of democracy, social justice, equality and ecology. A modern country project for Galiza will only be possible with BNG.