EFA will celebrate Petro’s investiture with the Colombian people
Ana Miranda, EFA Vice-President (BNG), and the BNG leader, Ana Pontón will attend the event to welcome a new government in Colombia, one which stands for equality and diversity
Colombia is about to open a new future. Last June, the Colombian people decided to advance towards equality and plurality by electing Gustavo Petro as their new President, whose programme will open a path towards building a progressive country, which values the diversity of its peoples and cultures. President Gustavo Petro will take power in an investiture ceremony next Sunday and EFA will be present at the event to celebrate it with the Colombian people. EFA Vice-President, Ana Miranda, and the BNG leader -Ana Pontón- are visiting the country and will attend the ceremony on Sunday. Ana Miranda was also present in Colombia during the elections as an international observer, as also was EFA Secretary General and MEP, Jordi Solé.
“Congratulations to the Colombian people for choosing Gustavo Petro as President and Francia Marquez as Vice-President. This is a victory for the People: one that will bring an end to 200 years of the oligarchy’s monopoly in Colombian politics. This will be a government for peace, equality, and social justice!”, said Ms Ana Miranda. She also celebrated the victory of Francia Marquez as Vice-President, the first black woman to hold this position “in a country where people have faced strong discrimination and abuse based on their race, origin, and ideology”. “She is an inspiration to women across the world, full of dignity, heart and coherence”, added Ms Ana Miranda.
Visiting Chile
Before the investiture ceremony in Colombia, Ana Miranda and Ana Pontón also visited Chile, a country that has been making progress in recognising its plurinationality. They met with the Mapuche linguist Elisa Loncón, a former President of the Constitutional Convention of Chile, who explained to them the new Constitution that will be put to a nation-wide plebiscite on the 4th of September. This new proposed constitution is progressive, as it would replace the previous constitution with one that recognises Chile as a plurinational state, a world-leading step forward in the recognition of the rights of minority and indigenous peoples. The Galician delegation also met with Revolución Democrática, one of the parties that are supporting President Boric’s government, and Fundación Constituyente 21.