Workshop in the European Parliament: Women participation in politics
EFA created the Women’s Forum, a group that promotes women’s participation and empowerment inside the party, and which has organized the event “Women participation in politics. European and International perspectives”
Feminism and equality are important principles in EFA. Gender quality is fundamental to build a fairer society. Therefore, EFA has set the path towards the future that we fight for and is one of the first European Political Parties that has developed an internal study about the situation of women in the party and incorporated changes in the party statutes. On the external sphere, the party is decided to promote feminist values and become a main actor to push the European Union towards improving equality between all people.
EFA has also created and shaped the Women’s Forum, an internal group that promotes women’s participation and empowerment inside the party, and which has organized the event “Women participation in politics. European and International perspectives”, which will be held on 18 November in the European Parliament and which goal is to share different experiences between women engaged in politics, reflect on the relationship between women empowerment and self-determination, and generate a space where different women from all Europe can meet and share knowledge.
The event
Date: Friday, 18 November 2022
Place: Brussels – European Parliament (room JAN 6Q2)
Working language: English. Translation in Spanish and German.
On-line streaming of the event.
Friday, 18 November
09.00h. Registration and arrival of participants.
09.30h. Welcoming words
– Ana Miranda MEP
– Lorena López de Lacalle, EFA President
09.45h. Women’s participation in politics: breaking the glass ceiling
Moderator: Katharina Kley, European Free Alliance Youth
- Hervor Palsdóttir – Member of the Faroese Parliament for Tjóðveldi party
- Leticia Santos – Mayor or Moaña city in Galiza for the BNG
- Patricia Font – Member of the Balearic Islands Parliament for Més per Menroca
- Questions and debate
10.45. Coffee break
11.15h. Women facing repression: political resilience with gender perspective
Moderator: Katharina Kley, European Free Alliance Youth
- Marta Rovira – Secretary General of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (online)
- Feleknas Uca – People’s Democratic Party of Kurdistan
- Fatma El Mehdi – Secretary General of the National Union of Saharawi Women
- Questions and debate
12.30h. Lunch
13.30h. Women’s Forum Meeting
– Women’s Forum statement for the 25th November
– [Workshop session] Protecting women’s rights and encouraging participation: good practices exchange between EFA delegates.
15.00h. End of the meetings
This event is open to the general public. Don’t forget to register in the following link before the 8th of November to get your badge to acess the European Parliament.